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Introduction to arrays
Understanding the memory model
Understanding the problem
Exploring a possible solution
Overview of supported operations
Internal mechanics of arrays
Working example
Multidimensional arrays
Understanding the problem
Defining dimensions for arrays
Exploring a possible solution
Overview of supported operations
Internal mechanics of multidimensional arrays
Understanding row major order
Example of row major order
Row major traversal
Understanding column major order
Example of column major
Column major traversal
Pattern: Two pointers
Understanding the two pointer pattern
Identifying direct application
Palindrome checker
Flip characters
Reverse segments
Vowel exchange
Ascending squares
Reverse words
Reverse word order
Identifying two pointer reduction
Two sum
Duplicate aware two sum
Target limited two sum
Largest container
Quadratic array sorting
Identifying two pointer subproblem
K rotations
Three sum
Approximate three sum
Four sum
Pattern: Simultaneous traversal
Understanding the simultaneous traversal pattern
Identifying the simultaneous traversal pattern
Subsequence checker
Merge sorted arrays
Unique intersections
Repeated intersections
Pattern: Fixed sized sliding window
Understanding the fixed sized sliding window pattern
Identifying the fixed sized sliding window pattern
K subarray average
Subarray size equals K
Pattern: Variable sized sliding window
Understanding the variable sized sliding window pattern
Identifying the variable sized sliding window pattern
Maximum subarray sum
Largest product subarray
Targeted sum subarray
Targeted sum subarray II
Product conundrum
Consecutive ones
Consecutive ones with one flip
Consecutive ones with K flips
Pattern: Intervals
Understanding the line sweep technique
Understanding the interval merging pattern
Identifying the interval merging pattern
Verify schedule
Overlap reduction
Understanding the line sweep technique for points
Understanding the maximum overlap pattern
Identifying maximum overlap pattern
Minimum meeting rooms
Remove intervals
Pattern: Design
Design a dynamic array
Assessment 1
Assessment 2