Structure, representation and implementation of a hash table
Fundamental operations and design using various collision resolution
Understand essential patterns behind common interview problems
Detailed code implementation and solution of all problems
Intuition through visual explanation of algorithms
Hands on practical experience in a setup free coding environment
This is a complete course and assumes that you know nothing about hash tables but are familiar with some basic foundational topics in any programming language.
Data structures are used extensively in software development. A hash table is the most fundamental. Irrespective of the language, framework, or system that you use, you will always be using a hash table in some form or the other.
Representation of a hash table
This course teaches you the fundamentals of a hash table and how it works. It provides you with code implementations and detailed explanations of a hash table and its operations in the most intuitive way. We go step by step to explore its various functions which will give you a deep insight into this awesome data structure. This will help you gain a thorough understanding of the most important data structure of all.
This interactive course involves high-quality problems and is deeply focused on problem-solving. It bridges the gap between theoretical concepts and common interview problems by explaining the most common interview problems on hash table. This will help you gain confidence and understand how to convert your learning into action. By the end of the course, you will be pretty confident that you can solve any has table problem thrown at you.
This all-rounder course targets a variety of audiences ranging from complete beginners to experienced programmers who want to take their knowledge to the next level. You will greatly benefit from this course if you identify yourself as one of the following
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Learn how applications deal with key value mappings efficiently